
Do diamonds respawn in the hunter call of the wild
Do diamonds respawn in the hunter call of the wild

Hunting pressure will disappear as it builds up elsewhere in the reserve. There is a limited number of hunting pressures that can be on one map (10 is the max amount of hunting pressures). If four undiminished hunting pressure are stacked on Need Zones, it will be deleted. There is a 0.25 multiplier if an animal is shot with a bow, or from Hunting Structures. This simulates Animals being too scared to feed, drink or rest in that area. If hunting pressure builds up in one place high enough, the Need Zones in the area will be removed. As hunting pressure builds up in one area, the animals will start to avoid this area.

do diamonds respawn in the hunter call of the wild

Upon the animal dying, the hunting pressure will appear with its exact center in the location where the first shot hit the animal. Hunting Pressure Hunting Pressure is created when the player shoots an animal that eventually dies.

Do diamonds respawn in the hunter call of the wild