Harmony delivers SongSelect importing, and nursery call for children that need to be picked up during the. It automatically scales to your projectors size and aspect ratio and takes the hassle out of set-up.

Harmony for Mac OS v.1.4.4 Makes worship presentation effortless.Perfect for live events and houses of worship, ProPresenter utilizes two screens, empowering users to quickly and easily present. ProPresenter for Mac OS v.3.3 The award-winning Mac-only presentation system for lyric and media playback that is reliable, powerful, and easy-to use.runs on all major platforms (windows, mac. OpenWorship is free software and fully crossplatform. OpenWorship for Mac OS v.0.6.2 A simple and easy-to-use multimedia application for presenting lyrics to worship.Gives all the MIDI and notation tools they need to create publisher-quality scores, while leaving out the detailed engraving options found in. Finale Allegro for Mac OS v.2007b Perfect for educators, performing musicians, composers, arrangers, worship directors, and students.Leitourgia v.1.1.2 With Leitourgia you will be able to: 1) Plan your worship far in advance - and always know where that planning can be accessed! 2) Actually USE the software because its one main window is easy to understand.The cross-platform version is nearing completion. OpenLP - Free Church Worship Software v.2.0.1 OpenLP is free church presentation software, used to display songs, Bible verses, videos, images, and even presentations for church worship, using a computer and a data projector.OpenLP Worship Presentation Software v.1.9.8 OpenLP is free church presentation software, used to display songs, Bible verses, videos, images, and even presentations for church worship, using a computer and a data projector.