Cat Goes Fishing allows you to earn money within the game to exchange for perks and equipment. The game feature several rods, items, and upgrades. Cat Goes Fishing, sell your catch, and upgrade Once you use your cash to upgrade your boat, you will be able to fish farther and deeper. As you continue to sell your catch, you can spend your earnings on new rods and fun perks like bombs, rockets, and repellants. Once this is done enough without catching a fish, the bait withers up and is ultimately rendered useless. Larger fish will inevitably take bites out of the smaller fish and bait that you have hooked. As you progress, you’ll learn to steer past some species of fish to better attract larger fish with more complicated bait. There are a total of three sizes of bait that allow you to catch progressively larger fish. In order to keep the games engaging for the long haul, to keep the player coming back for each update, certain mechanics have to evolve as the player progresses-and that can easily make the once ‘Lazy Sunday’ afternoon game, much more difficult.Learn to catch different types of fish based on the size of the bait you use. The trouble with a game like Cat Goes Fishing comes with the territory of most all casual games. With bait levels, bigger fish and setbacks, it can take a long, long time to progress. And like Animal Crossing, Cat Goes Fishing is focused on the grind. And, in reality, it plays like a really well-made Flash Game, something on the level and depth of the Thing Thing Series, but with the modern progression sensibilities of something like Animal Crossing. So, unlike Fishing Sim or otherwise, Cat Goes Fishing has a design and style all its own. The closest might be Legendary Fishing and that’s just because you follow the fish, rather than the fisherman. Because, though you fish in the game, it doesn’t play like any other fishing simulator. It’s hard to compare a game like Cat Goes Fishing to other games on the market. However, within that system of ‘catch bigger fish’ is very smooth game design, a delightful soundtrack, and equally compelling gameplay. As you collect enough desired fish, you are able to expand your reach, buy new gear, travel from shore and cast your line for larger fish in deeper waters.